Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

Download DriverEasy Professional Final + Keygen Full

Haramain Software - Kembali lagi bersama haramain software tempat download software dan game gratis. Seperti judul pada postingan kali ini, saya akan bagikan DriverEasy Professional final yang terbaru kepada sahabat haramain software.
Sebelumnya saya pernah juga share versi 4.5.3 dan sekarang saya akan share versi final dan tentu saja sudah saya lengkapi dengan keygen/keymaker yang akan membuat menjadi full version.
DriverEasy Professional ini adalah sebuah software yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi driver Pc yang out of date atau belum terinstall dan kita bisa menggunakannya untuk mendownload driver tersebut tanpa harus melakukannya satu-persatu melainkan cukup sekali klik dan tunggu semua driver akan terdownload dan terinstall.
DriverEasy Professional ini juga bisa digunakan untuk membackup driver kita dan kita bisa mengembalikannya kapan saja.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Jalankan DriverEasy_Setup.exe
  2. Kemudian Install sampai selesai. ( Sebelum tekan Finish, hilangkan centang pada Launch DriverEasy )
  3. Jalankan Keygen dengan cara Run as administrator
  4. Isikan data sesuai kebtuhan
    Select version : pilih driverEasy V4.xx.x.xxxxx
    Days Left : Pilih sesuka sobat
    Liense Type : pilih Normal
    Username:  isi dengan apapun. nama sobat juga boleh
  5. Kemudian klik Generate
  6. Selesai
 Nb : Untuk menjalankan Keygen/Keymaker maka PC sobat harus sudah terinstall Netframework.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Download Game Tiny Troopers Prophet For PC Full Version

Haramain Software - Kembali lagi bersama haramain software. Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game terbaru dari tiny troopers yaitu Tiny Troopers Prophet.
Dulu saya pernah share tiny troopers yang pertama dan pada game yang terbarunya ini ada penambahan yaitu zombi juga. memang game ini adalah game strategy yang saya ajungi jempol, karena selain kapasitasnya yang kecil namun kualitas gamenya menurut saya sangat bagus.
Tiny troopers adalah game strategy bergenre shooter yang kalau diartikan  ke dalam bahasa indonesia artinya polisi kecil.
Pada game ini kita akan membawa beberapa polisi kecil yang harus kita gunakan untuk menyelesaikan misi yang lumayan sulit. Setelah menyelesaikan misi maka misi yang berikutnya akan semakin sulit karena musuh yang akan dihadapi juga akan semakin banyak serta persenjataan mereka juga akan makin ganas. Yang pasti game ini benar-benar seru.

Screenshoot :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • OS:Windows XP/SP3/ Windows Vista / Windows 7
  • Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or AMD X2 64 2.0 Ghz
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:256 MB HD 2600 or better \ 256 MB Nvidia 7900 or better
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:500 MB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX 9.0c Compatible
Link Download :

Download Game Tiny Troopers Prophet ( Uptobox 229 Mb )

Download Game Tiny Troopers Prophet ( Link Alternatif 229 Mb )

Cara Install :
  1. Extract part 1 menggunakan winrar maka akan part 2 akan ikut terextract
  2. Mount Menggunakan Daemon tools, Caranya Buka program daemon tools
  3. Kemudian Pilih add image/tambah image
  4. Setelah itu cari file image yang sudah di extract tadi kemudian klik open
  5. Setelah klik open maka akan langsung terlihat master gamenya dan tinggal klik 2 kali pada master game tersebut
  6. kemudian install sampai selesai
  7. Mainkan
  8. Enjoy
Nb : Untuk merubah ke bahasa inggris tinggal sobat klik lambang bendera dipojok kiri bawah pada game kemudian pilih bendera inggris.

Untuk memainkan gunakan mouse yaitu klik kiri untuk jalan klik kanan untuk menembak dan klik tengah untuk bom dan sejenisnya.
Jika suka dengan blog ini silahkan like G+1 atau like facebook atau follow blog ini. Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Download KMSpico v8.5 Final, Other Windows and Office

Haramain Software - KMSpico v8.5 final merupakan Other yang sebenarnya dirancang untuk windows 8, namun bukan berarti selain windows 8 tidak bisa karena KMSpico ini terbukti mampu mengaktivasi Windows 8, windows 7, windows vista dan juga windows server.
Selain mengaktivasi windows, KMSpico juga terbukti mampu digunakan untuk aktivasi office 2010 dan office 2013, sehingga bagi sahabat haramain software yang merasa kesusahan dalam aktivasi office 2010 maupun 2013, gunakan KMSpico ini sebagai Other karena sudah terbukti mampu membuat office 2010 dan office 2013 menjadi full version dan juga KMSpico v8.5 ini sudah bisa digunakan pada windows 8.1 preview.
Untuk pengguna selain windows 8,wajib sudah terinstall netframework pada PC yang di gunakan.

Screenshot :

With KMSpico Can :
  • Windows Vista Bussines
  • Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise
  • Windows 8 Core/Professional/ProWMC
  • Windows (8.1 Preview)
  • Office 2010/2013
  • Windows Server 2008/2008R2/2012
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Extract menggunakan winrar
  2. buka folder KMSpico Install
  3. Jalankan KMSpico_Install_v8.5.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  4. Jalankan programnya
  5. Enjoy
 Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

Download Avast Internet Security 8.0.1489.300 Full + License Key

Haramain software - Avast internet security adalah antivirus avast versy tertinggi dan paling lengkap diantara versi avast yang lain.
Berhubung sudah lama haramain software tidak membagikan avast internet security, maka sekarang haramain software akan bagikan Avast internet security versy terbaru yaitu avast internet security 8.0.1489.300 dan tentusaja akan saya lengkapi dengan license key-nya agar menjadi full version.
Avast internet security sendiri adalah salah satu dari sepuluh besar antivirus terbaik di dunia.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, sobat bisa coba gunakan antivirust avast internet security ini dan lihat hasilnya.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara menggunakan licensenya :
  1. Buka Avast internet Security sobat ( Sebelumnya matikan koneksi internet sobat )
  2. Jika ada tombol Activate now, klik activate now.
  3. Jika tidak ada tombol activate now, klik menu MAINTENANCE kemudian klik Registration
  4. Pilih Insert License Now. kemudian pilih salah satu license yg sudah sobat download tadi dan klik Ok
  5. Jika ada instruksi yang keluar Klik Yes saja.
Nb : Gunakan salah satu License key yang masih aktif. Jika semua license mati sialhkan tinggalkan pesan agar bisa diupdate license keynya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Download Advanced SystemCare Pro Final Full Version

Haramain Software - Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sebuah software utility andalan admin haramain software yaitu Advanced SystemCare Pro
Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah sangat tahu dengan advanced systemcare pro 6.4.289 ini, karena advanced systemcare merupakan software utility tang diterbitkan oleh iobit dan sampai saat ini termasuk dari salah satu dari sepuluh besar software utility terbaik di dunia dan juga andalan admin haramain software.
Advanced systemcare pro 6.4.289 ini memiliki fugsi yag sangat banyak yaitu membunuh malware, mestabilka koeksi iternet, memperbaiki registry yag rusak, menghapus junk files, dan lain-lain.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Jika Link serial diatas bermasalah silahkan gunakan linkalternatif dibawah ini

Cara Install :

  1. Jalankan asc-setup.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  2. Matikan koneksi internet sobat
  3. Buka Advanced systemCare yang sudah diistall
  4. Kemudian pilih upgrade dan gunakan salah satu serial untuk meregistrasi
  5. Selesai. ( Jika takut di blacklist, pergi ke C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 6 dan kemudian delete "autoupdate.exe" )
  6. Enjoy
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Download Google Chrome 29.0.1547.57 Stable Offline Installer

Haramain Software - Halo sahabat haramain software, Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan google chrome stable kepada sahabat haramain software dan yang haramain software bagikan ini adalah versi offline yang bisa sahabat haramain software install secara offline tanpa harus tersambung ke internet.
Google chrome adalah browser yang saat ini banyak diminati oleh pengguna PC didunia karena banyak yang mengatakan kalau google chrome adalah browser yang stabil dibandingkan dengan browser yang lain. Namun semua itu bergantung pada kita semua yang mana yang lebih kita sukai baik itu google chrome atau browser yang lain seperti mozilla firefox, internet explore, comodo dragon, safari dan lain-lain.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download jalankan hasil downloadnya
  2. Tunggu sampai muncul shortcut di desktop sobat
  3. selesai
Selamat mendownload dan menggunakan browser google chromedan jangan lupa jika sahabat haramain software merasa kalau blog ini membantu sahabat haramain software, bantu kami juga dengan cara klik tanda G +1 atau share.

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Download IDM 6.17 Build 8 Final Full Version + Patch 100% Working

Haramain Software - IDM atau internet download manager sekarang sudah menerbitkan versi terbarunya yaitu Internet download manager 6.17 build 8 final.
Seberti biasanya haramain biasa seminggu sekali mengupdate versi terbarunya setelah seminggu yang lalu haramain software membagikian internet download manager 6.17 build 7 dan kali ini haramain software akan bagikan Software 6.17 build 8 final yang tentu saja lebih baik dari versi sebelumnya.
IDM 6.17 build 8 yang haramain software bagikan ini sudah tentu saja saya lengkapi dengan patchnya agar bisa menjadi full version dan jika sahabat semua mengalami masalah registrasi bisa menggunakan patch ini dengan sangat mudah.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download, jalankan idman617b8.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung dijalankan programnya, Kalau sudah terlanjur jalan, matikan lewat task manager ( untuk yang sebelumnya sudah menggunakan IDM, kemudian setelah install versi terbarunya ini diminta registrasi, langsung tutup saja permintaan registrasi tersebut )
  3. Jalankan Patch dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  4. kemudian klik patch
  5. Isikan nama terserah sobat ( ada 2 kali pengisian nama yaitu nama depan dan nama belakang )
  6. Kemudian klik OK
  7. Selesai. Sekarang jalankan IDM sobat dan lihat hasilnya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat salam admin haramain software.

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Download Game PAYDAY 2 Full Iso For PC

Haramain Software - Game yang haramain software bagikan ini tidak kalah seru dengan game-game yang sudah haramain software share sebelumnya.
Seperti namanya PAYDAY ini adalah game first person shooter yang dimana pemain dan timnya melakukan perampokan pada bank.
Game PAYDAY 2 ini adalah sequel dari Payday: The Heist dan game PAYDAY 2 ini adalah game yang baru diterbitkan pada tahun 2013 ini yaitu beberapa ari yang lalu yaitu tanggal 13 Agustus 2013.
Game PAYDAY 2 ini adalah game yang dikembangkan oleh Overkill Software dan dipublikasikan oleh 505 Games.
Jika sahabat haramain software penasaran dengan game PAYDAY 2 ini, silahkan bisa lihat screenshot dan gameplaynya.

Screenshot :

Gameplay :

Minimum System Requirements :
  1. OS: Windows XP SP3
  2. Processor: Intel Dual Core 2Ghz
  3. Memory: 2GB
  4. Hard disk space: 10GB
  5. VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD2600
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount DVD1 menggunakan daemon tools
  2. Install game via autoplay
  3. Ketika diminta insert DVD2, mount lagi DVD2 menggunakan daemon tools
  4. Lanjutkan iinstallasi sampai selesai
  5. Mainkan
  6. Enjoy
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat haramain software.

Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Download Game Lost Planet 2 Full Crack For PC

Haramain Software - Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game yang super seru yaitu game lost planet 2.
Game lost planet 2 adalah game third person shooter yang dikembangkan dan dipublikasikan oleh capcom dan yang harus sahabat haramain software ketahui kalau game ini sangat laris manis dan begitu banyak peminat dari game ini dan bahkan capcom sendiri mengungkapkan bahwa game lost planet 2 ini terjual smpai lebih dari 1.5 juta eksemplar diseluruh dunia.
Game lost planet ini adalah game skuel dari lost planet : Extreme condition dan latar dari tempat berlangsungnya game ini adalah di planet fiksi yang sama.
Pada game lost planet 2 ini kita akan menghadapi banyak mahluk sejenis alien dari berbagai jenis baik itu hewan alien dan sampai monster alien juga akan menjadi tantangan yang sangat luar biasa dan yang pasti game ini super seru.

Screenshot :

Gameplay :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core2Duo
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard disk space: 13GB
  • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 7800/ATI Radeon HD2400
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount DVD 1 Menggunakan daemon tools
  2. Install game via autoplay
  3. Ketika diminta insert DVD 2 maka mount lagi DVD 2 dan lanjutkan installasi
  4. Copy Crack SKIDROW ke folder tempat menginstall game ini
  5. Mainkan
  6. Enjoy
Selamat mendownload dan bermain game lost planet 2 dan semoga terhibur.

Download Game Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.2 Full Crack For PC

Kali ini haramain software akan bagikangame yang direquest oleh sahabat haramain software dan baru bisa saya share karena harus admin uji terlebih dahulu gamenya apakah work atau tidak dan setelah terbukti work baru bisa saya share kepada sahabat haramain software.
Sahabat haramain software sudah tau kan dengan game yang satu ini ? kalau belum tahu, game H.A.W.K.2 adalah game pesawat tempur yang dimana kita akan menyelesaikan banyak misi menggunakan pesawat.
Game Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.2 ini adalah game yang dipublikasikan oleh ubisoft dan termasuk game yang cukup populer.
Jika sahabat haramain software suka dengan game H.A.W.X yang pertama, maka sahabat haramain software jangan sampai melewatkan game H.A.W.X.2 ini karena sudah tentu saja semakin seru daripada sebelumnya. dan grafhic juga lebih bagus.

Screenshot :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core/AMD X2
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard disk space: 6GB
  • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT/ATI Radeon HD2600
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount menggunakan Daemon Tools
  2. Install Game via autoplay sampai selesai
  3. Install Updatenya
  4. Copy crack dan pastekan ketempat sobat menginstall game ini
  5. Enjoy.
Selamat mendownload dan bermain.

Download Minecraft 0.7.3 APK Pocket edition for Android

Minecraft 0.7.3 APK version has uploaden on play store today. Whereas only a few days ago i have posted the version 0.7.2 of minecraft you can find it here.  This mobile version Minecraft seems to improve itself to be a better game app for smart device especially Android device. This is the one that comes to bring you such a different experience on a mobile device.

The story continues for the PC version, with animals, enemies, crafting, underground secrets to find and more - however the Android version is still in the early stages of development, and as of yet, only contains the default sandbox style of play, where building is your best - and only - friend.

The objectives remain the same as the original, which is that players can build whatever reality they’d like, dealing with mobs of zombies, creepers, skeletons, pigs, cows and more. Worlds are finite like the Classic version, but there isn’t infinite water at the corners, which makes things a little more difficult. Otherwise most of it is near the same, often being updated which is a plus to any mobile game.

In short, the game is pretty amazing and it is quite astonishing to know that you can carry the Minecraft world in your pocket.

In this update minecraft 0.7.3 apk featured with Double chest, Added sun, moon and stars, Quartz slabs, Cooler title screen, Many realms improvements, Bug fixes

Buy this Gampe From play store via this link, or download the APK file of minecraft 0.7.3 by following the link below :

Download Crazy Taxi APK for Android

Crazy taxi is now arrives for android mobile platfroms, vew weeks ago this apps is launched on play store by sega. This game is my childhood Dreamcast and Arcade classics game. The frantic cab racing game can be downloaded to tablets or smartphones through the Google Play Store for $4.99, £2.99, or €4.49.

The game will feature original music by The Offspring and Bad Religion, the ability to drive as the game’s four esteemed cabbies (Axel, B.D.Joe, Gena and Gus), 15 mini games and high quality graphics

The Android version features remastered visuals. The soundtrack is still the same, though, so I hope you like Bad Religion and The Offspring. If not, you can fortunately just use whatever music you already have on your device.

There really isn’t much to not like about Crazy Taxi. However, there isn’t much to the game, and that’s the first thing we didn’t like about it, though it’s somewhat forgivable considering the year the game originally launched. It’s an arcade game, through and through, which means there won’t be any story or campaign to play around with. Once you get bored of the time challenges, chances are, you’re going to quickly become bored of Crazy Taxi.

Download Crazy Taxy APK For Android Here

Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

Download Game Hitman Sniper Challenge Full Iso + Fix For PC

Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game Hitman sniper challenge. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah banyak juga yang tahu game Hitman karena hitman tidak hanya 1 game melainkan ada beberapa game dan salah satunya adalah Hitman sniper challenge.
Game Hitman Sniper Challenge ini cukup terkenal dikalangan gamer karena memang game hitman sniper challenge ini sangat seru dan juga memiliki grafhic yang sangat bagus sehingga membuat game ini terlihat nyata.
Sesuai dengan nama game ini, kita disini akan menjadi sniper yang dimana kita harus menyelesaikan banyak misi yang lumayan sulit dan seperti yang kita tahu kalau sniper tidak boleh sampai ketahuan ketika menembak targetnya.
Jika penasaran silahkan lihat pada screenshotnya agar lebih jelas bagaimana game hitman sniper challenge ini.

Screenshot :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • Supported operating systems: Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista / 7
  • Dual Core Processor 2 GHz 
  • 2 GB of RAM 
  • 1.6 GB of free hard disk space 
  • 3D-graphics adapter with 512 MB of memory (NV8600 or equivalent AMD) 
  • DirectX ® 10.0
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount Menggunakan daemon tools
  2. Install game via autoplay
  3. Download Fix kemudian extract ketempat sobat menginstall game ini
  4. Mainkan
  5. Enjoy
Selamat mendownload dan semoga terhibur. bantu admin juga menyebarluaskan blog ini jika sobat berkenan dengan cara klik G +1.

Download FL Studio APK v 1.1.1 + Data

FL studio Mobile V 1.1.1 for android is ready to download from play store, have you update your FL studio apps on your android mobile device? OK while you downloading the APK file of this android apps, you can read the quick review this apps on this page.

FL Studio apk is a music production app that includes a sampler, a sequencer, and virtual instruments. The popular app has been available for desktop computers, ios And android mobile platforms.

FL Studio Mobile offers a lot of possibilities for creating music on your mobile device. All of the indispensable elements of the famous step sequencer and mixer multitrack arrangements are included. You can also record your own samples and instruments, and there is a large number of sampled instruments and synthesizer colors. 

It is a really nice workflow to this application if you want to record things live, for which you can use both keyboard or pads. The latency was not a problem for me but then again if that is a problem for you it is always possible to correct things with Quantification or by hand later with the addition that you can in the Piano roll sequencer adjust the notes exactly as you like it, they don't snap to the grid unless you want to, which is for me a undervalued function and does not really exist for many applications, the possibility to easily create your own groove as you want.

The video presentation of what this app will offer is interesting and I have to admit that FL Studio Mobile works very well and will certainly be the best applications of this type on the Android platform.

There are a few quirks, and certain features have been tucked away in areas that you wouldn't expect to find them, but the workflow in general is smooth, and the interface looks pretty slick. Inevitably, it's better suited to tablet-sized screens, but you can just about get away with using it on a phone.

The application is will cost $19.83 and only in one day it already has 223 reviews and a good average rating of 4.3. The minimal required version of Android is 2.3.

Buy This Amazing Apps from Google Play Store [Here] (Recommended)
Please support developers by buying this apps via play store, but if you want to try this apps first you may install the apk and data on your mobile phone by following the download link below

Download FL Studio APK [Here]
Download FL Studio Data [Here]

instruction :
1. Install the APk File
2. Extract data files into /sdcard/Android/obb/com.imageline.FLM/
Note : If you developer of this apps, and want to remove the download link, please contact us and I'll remove it within 24 hours.

Plague Inc Full APK v Download [ Unlocked ]

Plague Inc apk is one of most popular and amazing android games it is evidenced by user ratings on play store, since launch date this game is have 4.7 average rating start from 233,345 total user reviews, it's very amazing value for android game, because it I'll post about plague inc and give you the plague inc APK file in the end of my articles, ok let's read the review about this game.

Plague Inc. for android is my new favorite game. In Plague, you play as a disease. The goal of the game is to kill off the human race through disease. Starting out, the only option to kill off humanity is bacteria. After the humans are eradicated with one type of plague, a new option opens up. There are seven different ways to kill off the humans. Each one has pros and cons to it. Some will transfer from person to person better than others while some may travel better through the air with ease.

When you begin the game, you can pick a country to infect first. From there, you wait for the ailment to spread, and collect DNA points. The disease can spread on land, or through boats and airplanes. To speed up the process, you can use the DNA points to mutate the disease and make it better at infecting people.

Although you’ll spend a lot of time jumping between menus, Plague Inc.'s tap controls and distinctive icons for each option make it a straightforward, ultra-intuitive experience.

Admittedly, the immoral concept of trying to wipe out all life on earth – no matter how imaginatively it’s presented – won’t appeal to many good-natured gamers.

wanna to play this game? just visit this link and you can download plague inc android game for free, but if you want to download plague inc full apk, you can hit the link below.

Download PdaNet APK for android V 4.13

Latest Version Of PdaNet APk is available to download on play store, have you download it? before you download the apk file of this apps, let me give simple review about this wonderful apps that you must have on your android mobile phone.

PdaNet APK is a free app (available for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and other mobile platforms) that you can use to turn your smartphone into a modem for your laptop. With this app you can share the internet connection to otherdevice.

PdaNet makes the software that makes Smart Phone-to-laptop tethering kind of easy. Tethering capabilities mean you'll never have to worry about finding a wi-fi hotspot or be in range of a wireless access point as long as you have cellular data coverage (3G/4G), you'll be able to work online on your laptop wherever you are.

read the description of this app from the play store :
PdaNet+ now contains both PdaNet and FoxFi. Turn your Android phone into free WiFi hotspot or USB broadband modem. No rooting. No tether plan needed. With additional improvements, this is a complete tether solution of sharing phone Internet with computers or tablets.
PdaNet+ supports USB, Bluetooth and WiFi. USB mode works for all Android phones. FoxFi/WiFi mode only works on some phones. Please see the supported list at
Free edition of PdaNet+ will require you to turn back on after some usage, otherwise it is same as full version.

PdaNet is a free download for Windows systems and Android phones, and doesn't appear to have usage limits or time-outs. If you want to instal this apps from computer, you my install it from play store by hitting this link. You can also install this app manually by downloading the apk file then install it on your mobile device the apk link is on the end of this articles.

Download PdaNet+ APK

Download Roll A Joint APK Latest Update

Today, I will post the unique application from play store, named Roll A Joint this apps is one of wonderful Android phone app for smokers. Maybe you are looking for or have found a unique Android app wants to try what is in it. Roll A Joint app that you can get at the cost of $ 1.99. although I'm sure you can figure out how to get it for free if you know the right sources.

Roll A Joint apk actually lets you roll your own joints on your phone. It takes your through the process of rolling and smoking your own virtual joint and they have just released and update that will let you roll blunts, which of course as well a know are rolled in different fashion.

Roll A Joint apk takes your through the method of rolling and smoking the virtual pivot, that have simply been published and might update the roll blunts, that in fact additionally understand one, wrapped in a very totally different way.

Once you have broken all of it up into small pieces you are then instructed to put all of the bud in the outlined rectangle of the paper. From here you roll the bottom, roll the top and twist the ends shut. The instructions tell you to inhale on the microphone of your device and press on the screen where a lighter will appear. 

Once the lighter appears and you have lit the joint you can release your finger from the screen and blow out onto the microphone to see the smoke. Once the joint is finished and goes out you can roll another one.

It is a great simple app, but I think there is plenty of room improvement. First of all, the smoking does get you quite light headed because you have to suck in so much and blow out so much. It works good, but the amount of time per inhale and exhale causes you to become light headed, but displays a great show of smoke rings and baking out your phone.

Overall, this is a novelty app for rolling and smoking a joint. At the time of this review the Roll A Joint Android App is $1.99.

If yopu want to instal this app, you must buy the original apps from play store via this link, please support the developer by buying this apps. But if you want to get this apps free, you can follow the link below

Download Roll A Joint APK Newest version

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

True Skate APK Download For Android [Game]

Download True Skate APK - thebookofsarah - one again most popular android game has launched on play store, just call it True skate for android. Since launch date this game succesfully listed on most popular paid apps.

This game is have good rating on the play store, 4,5 from 573 is not bad ratings for new comers, so why you not try this game? if you want more information before installing this game, i will give you the simple review about this game.

True Skate distills the skateboarding experience into its purest form. There's just a board and a skatepark, both rendered in a high level of detail, and no annoying distractions like a gangly, uncoordinated body. Your first few lessons consist of the very basics, learning the touch-based controls for putting the board in motion and mastering some simple tricks.

People have different preferences when it comes to download apps and games from the Play Store. However, those who want to derive some extra entertainment out of their device can opt for True Skate because it’s a complete fun package.

It's a pretty impressive package. What's missing from making it truly epic is... well, more. The skatepark is great, but it would be hard to imagine any skater wouldn't want a change of scenery every once in a while. Expression is such a big part of the culture that the game is practically screaming out for customization of your board, and some music to ride to might also be nice.

The app costs $1.81 and you can grab it by hitting the link below. 

below is game screenshots, let's see !

Download Mozilla Firefox 23.0 Final 2013 All Language

Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan browser mozilla firefox versi final yang terbaru yaitu mozilla firefox 23.0 final dan yang haramain software bagikan kali ini juga adalah all language atau semua bahasa agar sahabat haramain software bisa lebih mudah memilih ingin menggunakan bahasa apa yang diinginkan namun yang perlu diketahui tidak ada bahasa daerah.
Mozilla firefox adalah salah satu browser yang banyak digunakan oleh manusia di seluruh dunia karena begitu banyak add ons yang terdapat pada mozilla firefox dan juga cara penggunaannya yang relatif mudah dan sangat user friendly.
Mungkin sahabat haramain software memiliki andalan masing-masing dalam hal browser karena tidak hanya 1 browser di dunia ini melainkan cukup banyak seperti google chrome, internet explore, opera, dan lain-lain.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Selamat mendownload browser mozilla firefox 23.0 ini dan jangan lupa bantu haramain software dengan cara like atau share blog haramain software dimana saja baik lewat jejaring sosial atau lainnya dan itu sudah cukup membantu admin haramain software.

Download MotoGP Android game APK

Download Game MotoGp Apk For android The most real life racing series is having their official game brought over to android mobile platform as well. Come to race with the ability and adrenaline On Motogp 2012 android mobile game. use your high skill to conquer every corner in each circuit, and also don't forget to choose your best motogp racers to become the No. 1 in The world.
Features of The MotoGP 2012 game is all the bikes, riders and course from this year's actual MotoGP competition. This will be a fairly detailed game visually as well as even the rider's and bike's sponsorship logos will be visible in the actual game itself. One of the strengths of motogp 2012 for android is the information about the drivers who participated accurate accompanied by the original photo.

The game probably owes more to the likes of Road Rash than it does to the real sport of MotoGP, but that's not really a bad thing. You always feel like you're the best rider on the best bike, but carving through traffic and holding your position still make for a great time.

If you come to MotoGP 2012 expecting a realistic interpretation of the sport then you're going to be disappointed. If you come with an open mind and a desire to engage in some pretty silly arcade racing shenanigans then you're going to find a lot to keep you happy.

below is screenshots of this game :

Download MotoGP Android game APK

The complete instruction on how to download and install MotoGP 2012 Android Apk available. You can download this app from the link below. The next step will be the simple installation. Then, you can have a new game with complete features in your android phone.

Download MotoGP APK file [HERE]

Note : to download, please uncheck Use our download manager and get recommended downloads at the download page.

thanks for visiting my blog, I suggest you to read my another articles, I think  Riptide Gp2 APK  is recommended racing game for you.

Download Dark Avenger APK 1.1.5 Mod Money Hack

Download Dark Avenger APK to your android mobile device now. Dark avenger is the most popular android game on play store, you can visit to game official page on play store and see the ratings for this game : rated 4.6 rating star from 192,583 total reviewers, it's very amazing.

Game details from play store :
Introducing the brand new ARCHER! Evil has awoken from its slumber.
The premiere mobile MORPG!
Evil has awoken from its slumber.
Rising from the darkness! Dark Avenger, the premiere mobile MORPG!
New Archer class is now available.
Play the Archer and shoot your way towards immortality!
★New Archer Class★
- Dark Avenger now has 2 available classes: Templar the melee warrior & Archer the long-ranged shooter
- Participate in dynamic, strategic battles in Boss Raid and Death Match mode!
★State-of-the-art Graphics★
- Brilliant 3D Graphics featured in Full HD with Dynamic Lighting!!
- Side Camera View feature added for dynamic gameplay!
★Boss Raid: Strategic Co-Op Battle★
- 3 players can simultaneously play in the Boss Raid mode!!
- Different rewards are available based on contribution!!
★New 3:3 PvP Battle★
- A user can join anytime in 3:3 network PvP battle!!
- Accumulate wins/loss & kills/deaths to compete in the weekly ranking!!
★Infinity Tower: Hunting Never Stops★
- Play against the best players around the globe every week!!
- Reach the highest floor and become the best warrior!!
★18 vs. 1: The Ultimate In-Game Action★
- Semi-targeting system allows players to experience the maximum effect!
Strike the enemies!
- Combine full effects and skills in a devastating combo to fend off multiple enemies!
★New Updates★
- New game mode will be added!!
- New features in Boss Raid and Death Match modes will be added!!
- New stages/weapons/armors/items will be added!!

And if you stuck to play this game, i have made the hack of dark avenger, this apk file is mod unlimited money! so you can enjoy this game as well.

Download Dark Avenger APK 1.1.5 Mod Money

Download Dark Avenger APK [unlimited money] from this link

Download Game The Walking Dead Survival Instinct Full Iso + Crack For PC

Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game lagi kepada sahabat haramain software yaitu game The walking dead survival instinct. Kalau sebelumnya haramain software membagikan game resident evil, kali ini yang haramain software bagikan adalah game yang mirip dengan resident evil yaitu sama-sama melawan zombi walaupun zombinya berbeda.
Game The walking dead survival instinct ini adalah game single player first person shooter yang dipublikasikan oleh Activision yang tidak kalah seru dengan game-game horor lainnya seperti resident evil atau sejenisnya karena game the ealking dead survival instinct ini sangat seru untuk dimainkan.
Kalu sahabat haramain suka bermain game shooter dengan tema zombi, maka jangan sampai ketinggalan dengan game yang satu ini karena benar benar seru dan cukup mendebarkan.

Screenshot :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core/AMD X2
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard disk space: 5GB
  • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT330/ATI Radeon HD6530
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount menggunakan daemon tools
  2. Install game via autoplay
  3. Copy crack dan pastekan ditempat sobat menginstall game ini
  4. Mainkan ( Untuk windows 7 jalankan dengan cara run as administrator )
  5. Enjoy
Selamat mendownload dan bermain game the walking dead survival instinct dan semoga terhibur.